Monday, January 4, 2010

Commercial Insurance Comparison What Is The Difference Between Commercial Vehicle Insurance And Private Insurance?

What is the difference between Commercial Vehicle Insurance and Private Insurance? - commercial insurance comparison

What is the difference between the two when it comes to car and beat someone there in total? Is it true that prevent the commercial insurance to replace rather "a car with a total private insurance companies, is being sued. It is the sustainability of settlements after the car was full? We have never been in an accident involving a vehicle owned by the company have been with commercial insurance?

1 comment:

  1. If a PAP) (car) or BAP (vehicles, the same rules and laws applicable if the resolution of complaints of cars. The only difference is the amount of individual responsibility ... BAP are much higher in general than PAP. So to answer your question, no commercial airline is not "instead of" entered their vehicles. Both companies have a duty to settle claims fairly and do everything to keep their amicable insured.

    With regard to the settlement of a total loss .... The law says if it cheaper to repair the car together, because the repair exceed the value of the car must be declared the car a total loss. Financially, it makes no sense to pay either your neighbor or a company that has more money than his neighbor. You have to save to keep the possibility of "too" to save the car and the value of your vehicle, less the amount of recovery. During this time you can pay for the repair if you do not want to, but insurance - no more money in the process of paying compensation for B / C was co -mpensated ... not become a beneficiary of both.

    My experience with commercial carriers are squeezed every penny penny, and rarely direct claims without going through the first paid surrogacy. Have arisen in the rare occasion, and first-hand the repairs have been sluggish, slow to issue payments.

    If your car is a total loss, the two companies have to offer: the offer and you go with who ever is the higher amount.
