Monday, January 11, 2010

Jogging Injuries More Condition_symptoms Is It Safe Could I Get A Leg Or Knee Injury By Jogging On The Treadmill?

Could I get a leg or knee injury by jogging on the treadmill? - jogging injuries more condition_symptoms is it safe

I heard a lot about how common are injuries while running / jogging on the tape, but was hurt while running, even if they do not damage the knees?


  1. Absolutely. I think that on a treadmill hurt more than anything else. Try, if you walk up the stairs inside or go outside for a bit of grass needed for pain relief.

  2. Yes heat, if u is not appropriate or for exercising their knee, without proper preparation and development of the muscles. My sports physio told me to wear compression knee joint support for the correct alignment of the entire training and improved quality of traffic to avoid injury and stress.
